Monday, November 11, 2013

Maya oh Maya

I am choosing to critique Maya's blog,, because it really captures my interest in the fact that I agree and disagree with her on the two presented issues. Maya's blog starts off tackling the issue of the U.S. debt crisis, and ends by touching on the subject of immigration reform (this is where she and I differ in our views).
     She starts off accusing the U.S. National Government of being "as reckless as a young adult." Whoa. Bold statement, but she's completely right. She then brings up several facts about the U.S. being oh-so-willing to help other countries with their debts and peace problems, all while ignoring our own massive debt. I agree with her in that we need new leaders in place and that fixing the debt will take time. I believe that we need strong leaders who are not afraid to make the difficult decisions. Decisions such as cutting entitlement programs, which account for over 60% of government spending. I recognize that some people will see these decisions as "mean" and right now it seems as though our current leaders do not have the backbone to make such hard choices.
     In the last paragraph, Maya brings up immigration via a comment that her stepfather made. According to Maya, her stepfather believes that 11 million illegal immigrants are being made legal residents "overnight." When in fact the "Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA), the body of law governing current immigration policy, provides for an ANNUAL worldwide limit of 675,000 permanent immigrants, with certain exceptions for close family members." So you see, 11 million immigrants overnight is quite the exaggeration. Next, without coming right out and saying it, she blames undocumented immigrants for taking minimum wage jobs. I agree that education is very important so that one can get a degree, hopefully get a good job, or in her case "buy a plane ticket and get the hell out." What I dont understand about her argument is how come she is the only one worthy of the benefits of the American society.
     Without immigrants, where would this country be? Here is a short list of companies founded by immigrants:

1. Google
2. AT&T
3. eBay
4. Nordstrom
5. Yahoo

      This is an amazing country because of its immigration, because of its melting pot of a society, and its freedoms. Freedoms such as women being able to vote, women being able to drive cars, and every one having the right to blog and voice their opinions about government.
     "We cant just bring in more." I suppose the next statement will be along the lines of "you cant have more than two children" or "you need the government's permission to have children." Welcome to communist China everyone.
     I believe that this is a well written, but unsupported, blog and it is always interesting to hear/read other's points of view. Maya, I wish you all the luck in getting your degree and purchasing your plane ticket.






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